Having an insurance claim accepted for a client is one of the most satisfying parts of the job when you’re a financial advisor, particularly when it helps a grieving family. There are many ways financ …
Business Interruption Case Study

Noting that a clause for ‘prevention of access’ was not included, we negotiated the wording with the insurance company and had the clause included
An insurance policy may be worthless if it hasn’t been specifically tailored to your needs.
Insurance Advisory Service reviewed a Business Interruption Policy for a medical practice located in Sydney’s west. Noting that a clause for ‘prevention of access’ was not included, we negotiated the wording with the insurance company and had the clause included. Some time later, during the Sydney bushfires, the doctors were unable to access their medical practice for two days.
We liaised with the insurance company on their behalf and obtained a payment of $11,000 for loss of income due to prevention of access under their Business Interruption Insurance.
As specialists we have the skills to find any gaps in cover and make sure your policy has the correct wording. We also make sure our clients review their policies regularly and consider any changes in circumstance.